Sunday, July 31, 2011

So True.......

So true, isn't it? I know I've been horrible about blogging this past week (I didn't even post weigh-in winners!) but I'll be better next week, promise!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Applying "Carpe diem" to your everyday life

We all have goals--some immediate, some far off in the distance. By working hard and focusing on what you want to get out of life, you increase the probability of achieving all of your dreams. In the end there are no guarantees, so make the most of each day by celebrating and cherishing the moment instead of looking forward. Want to try yoga but have been too intimidated? Tired of getting the same haircut over and over? Want to go back to school? Go for it! Tomorrow is not a promise. Seize the opportunities while you still can!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Fabulous Weekly Weigh-In Winners

Well, it's official, I'm a slacker! For some reason I've had the HARDEST time blogging lately! I think about it and then when I finally get a minute, I completely forget! Anyway, here's our winners for this weeks weigh-in:

Makell M (BT) - 2.5%
Carole J (SL) - 1.81%
Mike A (SL) - 1.21%

The Ogden office just barely Squeaked by with the win this week.....Salt Lake was right on their heels! Great job everyone!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Busting through that plateau

If you're anything like me, you've done the yo-yo diets and all the fun that goes with it! You've also probably hit that plateau which can be soooo frustrating and sometimes even a deal breaker. So, how exactly to you bust through the plateau to continue on with your weight loss goals? And some might even be thinking, what is a plateau? If you've been exercising and cutting calories for several weeks, and you're no longer seeing the same results that you experienced in the beginning, then you've probably hit a plateau. This occurs when your progress comes to a standstill, and can be described as not making any "gains" (such as improving your fitness level or losing weight), but not necessarily moving backwards (losing endurance or gaining weight).

Because every individual is unique, there’s no way to actually predict when a plateau might happen. However, the principles of nutrition, rest, and variation will jumpstart your body, mind, and metabolism. Following are four great steps to keep in mind when trying to bust through the blah!

1- Make sure you are a following a nutrition plan correctly. Eating less (or too little in general) makes your body think it’s starving (known as “starvation mode”), so it holds onto every calorie, slowing your metabolism. Increase your calories to fit into your recommended range, and you’ll notice a difference.

2- Your body can only do so much with the tools that it has, so eat well. Aim for a wide variety of foods (instead of the same old thing day in and day out) from every basic food group. Try new fruits and vegetables, ethnic cuisines, and a wide range of lean proteins, including non-meat sources like tofu and legumes. All (or most) of your grains should come from whole, unrefined foods like whole-wheat breads and pasta, and brown rice.

3- After a workout, refuel with a balanced snack or meal within 30 minutes to 2 hours. Remember, “balanced” does not mean just protein. In fact, most individuals—and even athletes—need less than 10 grams of protein post-workout. Carbohydrates are actually more important, so try to eat an additional 30 to 60 grams at this time, when your body is primed to uptake glycogen into the cells to replace the energy you just used up during your workout.

4- Don’t overlook your huge need for water. Hydration is very important for stable energy levels. (You store 3 molecules of water for every glycogen molecule). Plus, hydration promotes muscle building (powering your metabolism), while dehydration promotes muscle breakdown. So drink up—before, during, and after your workout sessions. The standard “8 cups a day” might not be enough for you, especially if you are exercising regularly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Fabulous Weekly Weigh-In Winners

Well, this is just a TAD bit late, right? Actually, I didn't even get weigh-in's from everyone. So this week's winners are based off of the information I did get. The Ogden branch is the overall office winner this week. All of our weekly winners also come from the Ogden branch. Go Ogden!

Peter N (OG) - 1.57%
Bonnie B (OG) - 1.54%

Third place was actually a tie between the following:
Dean B (OG) - 1.2%
Janet C (OG) - 1.2%

Thanks for sending in your number guys! Way to go!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 Best Strategies for Long Term Weight Loss

So, you don't just want to lose weight, you want to lose the extra weight forever. While losing weight does take focus and dedication, it's important to remember that losing weight isn't really a start-and-end process. Sure, you have a weight-loss goal to reach, but once you get there, you don't just stop eating right and working out. No way! You keep it up because it's a healthy lifestyle that's livable and lovable—and it makes you feel great.

Despite this, when you make the transition from losing weight to maintaining weight, you have a little more wiggle room in your diet and workout plan because you don't need to create a deficit of calories anymore—you just need to take in as many as your body needs in order to not gain or lose.

So whether you're just starting out on your weight-loss journey or if you've reached your goal weight, follow these top strategies to keep the weight off for good.

Get Moving and Stay Moving
Being active is extremely important for keeping weight off—not to mention it has a slew of other great health benefits, including helping cholesterol ratios, reducing blood pressure, improving mood and well-being, and strengthening the heart. Be sure to get active doing something you love; whether it's dancing, walking, biking, or playing sports—life is too short to do something you don't like! Shoot for at least three days of cardiovascular exercise a week and two days of resistance training. Sessions should be at least 20 to 30 minutes each (which can even be broken up into smaller segments) with your heart rate up to 60 percent to 85 percent of its max. Not sure how to figure out your training heart rate? Check out this resource that shows you how.


Multiple studies show that people who track or journal the foods they eat lose more weight and keep it off for the long haul. In fact, the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks more than 3,000 people who have lost an average of 50 pounds and kept it off successfully for five years, has found that logging foods is one way to stay on track well after they've lost the weight. In another study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, those who used a food diary while dieting lost twice as much weight as those who didn't.

Eat the Foods You Love

If you love cheesecake and chocolate but have a food plan that restricts you from eating them, chances are you're going to feel pretty darned deprived. And that's never a good thing (and typically backfires). To have a truly livable healthy lifestyle, you should include small treats (always eaten in moderation) in your diet. You can scour SparkRecipes for revamped and better-for-you versions of your not-so-healthy favorites!

Drink Enough H20

Ask any successful weight-loss maintainer and I guarantee they do one thing—drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps support your metabolism, aids in removing fat from the body, can help cut cravings and is just darn good for you. So drink up!

Get Support
Whether it's a friend, family member or buddies on SparkPeople, having a support system is key. Another study that looked again at the National Weight Control Registry found that those who lost weight and continued going to bi-monthly support group meetings for a year maintained their weight. Those who didn't go to support meetings regained almost half of the weight they lost. Support doesn't have to come from a face-to-face interaction, so if you can't make it to a meeting there is hope for you too. Another study shows that online socialization and weight-loss support works, too!

Keep Challenging Yourself

Even if you're already at your goal weight, never stop setting smart goals. Whether it's adding more weight to your strength training routine, walking or running a bit faster, fitting more fruits and veggies in your diet or simply saying "no" when Aunt Myrtle tries to guilt you into having that second piece of pie, keep setting weekly, monthly and yearly goals to keep you focused and challenged. And be sure to reward yourself (go see a movie, get a pedicure, enjoy a massage, buy new workout clothes, etc.) with good stuff when you reach your goals! Rewards can sometimes be the best motivator of all.

Switch Things Up

Make a point every month to try something new. Whether it's a new exercise class, a change in your workout, a different recipe or a food you've never tried, changing things up regularly will keep things fun and engaging. After all, no one (not even those fitness nuts who love to work out) likes to eat the same meal or do the same workout day after day.

Remind Yourself

I encourage many of my personal training clients to place a photo of themselves at their heaviest or unhealthiest somewhere that they can see it. You don't have to look at it every day, but once a week it's good to remember where you were and how far you've come. Keeping a photo of your past self in your wallet also comes in handy when you're tempted to skip a scheduled workout or tempted to make an unhealthy option while dining out.

Track Your Weight

About three-quarters of all successful long-term weight-loss maintainers from the National Weight Control Registry report that they weigh themselves weekly to keep the extra pounds at bay. While sometimes the scale can be a beast of burden (especially when you're gaining muscle and losing fat), it's important that you continue to monitor and track your body to see if the weight is coming off and staying off. Whether it's the scale, measuring body fat, making sure you can fit in a certain pair of jeans or using a measuring tape, track your size regularly.

Embrace the Lifestyle
After a few weeks of eating right and working out, you shouldn't just look better. You should feel better, too! Losing weight is about improving your life, not restricting it. So be sure that you're focusing on the positive and embracing your healthy choices each day. After all, it is a choice—and you've chosen to be healthy and happy!

Maintaining Weight Loss, from Brigham and Women's Hospital

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fabulous Friday!

As I was looking through recipes this morning, I stumbled across this one and HAD to post it. It looked way too yummy not too!
Red, White and Blueberry Trifle

10 oz angel food cake, cut into 1-inch cubes (store bought would save time!)
2 pints strawberries, sliced
2 pints blueberries

For the cream filling:
6 tbsp fat-free sweetened condensed milk (I used Borden Eagle)
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 package sugar-free white chocolate instant pudding mix
12 oz fat-free frozen whipped topping, thawed

Whisk the condensed milk and water in a bowl. Whisk in the pudding mix for 2 minutes. Let stand for 2 minutes or until soft-set; fold in the whipped topping.

Arrange half of the cake in the bottom of a 14-cup trifle dish. Sprinkle evenly with a layer of blueberries. Spread half of the cream mixture over the blueberries and gently spread (I piped it using a plastic bag and cut the corner off). Top with a layer of strawberries. Layer the remaining cake cubes on top of the strawberries, then add more blueberries and top with the remaining cream mixture. Finish with the remaining strawberries and blueberries, arranging them in a pretty pattern. Cover and refrigerate at least one 1 hour.

Fabulous Findings

Now, onto our Fabulous Findings! This finding, while fabulous, is not really a finding at all. In fact, if you haven't heard of it by now I would be surprised. What am I talking about? Bountiful Baskets! Bountiful Baskets is a food co-op that you can participate in (usually every other week). You have until a certain time to order (usually by Wednesday) and then on Saturday you go to the nearest location and pick up the good stuff. You never know what you are going to get that week. It can range from super yummy fruit (which is why I love them during the summer) to vegetables you have NO idea what they are or how to use them! But, you always end up with some really good stuff for a REALLY good price! You can check out their website by googling Bountiful Baskets and then simply create an account to order. Oh! And one little word of advice - make sure to take a laundry basket or something else to dump your goodies into!